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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AMRUTANJAN +face of child 5
AMUL the taste of india 5, 29
AMUL the taste of india 50 5
ANAND +cartoon of chef 43
ANAND +face of tiger 24
ANANDA +cartoon of girl 43
ANGOSTURA +face of man 5
ANGUR BRAND +bunch of grape 3
ANIP +of 11
ANKUR language of education 16
ANNS house of sweets +queen 30
ANO-TAI cuisine of china 16, 43
AP AMBIKA range of plywoods 35
APE +cartoon of monkey 9
APECASES +cartoon of monkey 9
APES CLUB +cartoon of ape 14
APSARA BINDI +face of woman 3
AQUA BLUE best of hygenic 32
AQUA GLEAM symbol of purity 11
ARCO group of industries 7
AROHI oil of apricot 3
AROMAS of china 32
AROMAS of china +arc 34
AROMAS of china +sticks arc 29
ARORA institute of english 16
ARPIT'S mark of quality 30
ARTCCOT the mark of quality 27
ARUNAGIRI BEEDI +face of ma 34
ASHOKA mark of best quality 10
ASIA book of records 16
ASIAN BOARD plaster of pari 19
ASTROLITE the power of pain 2
ATC avadh symbol of quality 31
ATM alltime more cups of te 30
ATTACK +cartoon of face bal 28
ATUL a symbol of quality 30
AUNTIE FUNG'S +face of woma 43
AURA +head of woman 3
AURAA peel of mask 3
AURORA temple of learning 16
AURUM institute of design 41
AUTO SARDAR +cartoon of man 35
AVAI treasure of taste 29, 30
AVALON web of magic 16
AYODHYA COLA taste of india 30
AYUR +face of girl 3
AYURKSHETHRA temple of life 42
B BIELLA art of excellence 7
B BLEND of america 25
B BLOON mark of luxury 6
B biella art of excellence 24, 25
BABA CHHAP +face of man 30
BABUKAKA taste of quality 30
BABULINE +face of child 5
BABY +face of child 29
BAKE CHEF +cartoon of chef 35
BAPI +head of cow 12
BARBINA +cartoon of girl 29, 30
BASIL house of plants +plan 31
BATH TECH +cartoon of boy 11
BAWARCHI +face of cheff 30
BE:KIDS +cartoon of bee 35
BEARD PAPA'S +cartoon of ma 30, 32, 43
BEGUM +queen of hearts 29
BENCIL +cartoon of pencil 16
BEST TV +cartoon of vehicle 35
BHABHA institute of science 41
BHAGIRATH +palm of hand 1
BHASKAR woman of the year 41
BHEDIYAA +cartoon of fox 9, 38, 41, 42
BHIMSAIN +face of woman 3
BIG DOG +cartoon of dog ova 31, 35
BIKAJI plaster of paris +go 19
BILIGIRIS coffees of india 30
BIOCON queen of heart +woma 35, 42, 44
BIOCON-queen of hearts 41
BIYANI group of colleges 41
BLACK CAT +face of cat 34
BLACKMORES best of health 3, 5
BLEND of india 25
BLUE BIRD +cartoon of bird 41
BOLIVAR +bust of man 34
BON-BON +face of child 5
BONSAI +cartoon of man torc 41
BOOKAROO +cartoon of monkey 45
BOOMARANG house of bound 37
BOSTON TRADERS +face of dog 14
BRACCO image of innovation 10
BRAINSTOCK +face of boy 16
BRAVE BABY +cartoon of lion 25
BRAVO KIDS +cartoon of lion 41
BRILIP +cartoon of boy girl 9
BSA the sign of quality 6
BUBUU +cartoon of panda 5
BUFFO +cartoon of bear 9, 16, 41, 42
BUGGY BEDS +cartoon of fish 21
BUMBLE BEE +cartoon of bee 25
BUZZY +cartoon of bee 25
C the spirit of challenge 25
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